Wednesday 7 November 2012

How to export the result of ping command

crackthesecurity | 06:38 | | | | Be the first to comment!

Step 1

Open the command prompt WINDOWS + R

Step 2

Type the following command C:\>ping >> c:\Test.txt -t
For example if you want to ping
C:\>ping>> c:\Test.txt -t

How to get The ip Address of your Victim

crackthesecurity | 06:20 | | Be the first to comment!

Step 1

Create a free hosting site from here My3gb

Step 2

Copy below php code and paste in notepad and save it as ip.php

$myFile = "ip.html";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a+') or die("can't open file");
$stringData ="Date:".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."<br/>Ip:".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."<br/>Browser:".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."<br />\n" ;
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
header( 'Location:' ) ;
$hostaddress = gethostbyaddr($ip);
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$referred = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // a quirky spelling mistake that stuck in php

print "<strong>Display IP address:</strong><br />\n";
print "$ip<br /><br />\n";
print "<strong>More detailed host address:</strong><br />\n";
print "$hostaddress<br /><br />\n";
print "<strong>Display browser info</strong>:<br />\n";
print "$browser<br /><br />\n";
print "<strong>Where you came from (if you clicked on a link to get here</strong>:<br />\n";
if ($referred == "") {
print "Page was directly requested";
else {
print "$referred";


upload the php script to public folder

Step 4

Now send the link to your victim when the link is opened the IP address will displayed and stored

To view the IP Address

Replace your php link with ip.html
Example :
This is my Demo Link
replace as

Monday 5 November 2012

How to View Last Activity of Your PC

crackthesecurity | 18:45 | | Be the first to comment!
LastActivityView is a tool for Windows operating system that collects information from various sources on a running system, and displays a log of actions made by the user and events occurred on this computer.


Wednesday 31 October 2012

How to Uninstall programs using command prompt

crackthesecurity | 08:11 | Be the first to comment!

Step 1

Windows + R then type wmic


Windows + R then type cmd & type start wmic in the command prompt

Step 2

Now type product get name & Hit Enter

Now you will see a list of programs installed

Step 3

Now type product where name=”UR PROGRAM NAME” call uninstall & Hit Enter

Note you have to write the exact name of software you wish to uninstall from the populated list. For an example Google App Engine.

Example product where name=”Google App Engine” call uninstall

Step 4

Now type Y for confirming un-installation process then press Enter to uninstall the software completely.


Sunday 28 October 2012

How to Change Windows Logon Background Image Manually

crackthesecurity | 10:17 | Be the first to comment!

Step 1

WINDOWS + R & type regedit

Step 2

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentica​tion > LogonUI > Background.

Step 3

Now you will see OEMBackground value if its not there create one by right clicking and choosing New > DWORD Value , and rename it too OEMBackground.
Now just double click on the OEMBackground value and replace 0 with 1.

Step 4

Now navigate to C: > Windows > System32 > oobe. Now create a new folder names "info" and create another sub folder in it and name it as "backgrounds"
Now just add your desired wallpaper in this folder and rename that image as backgrounddefault.jpg, make sure that images must be less than 245KB in size.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

How to hide Folder without any software using cmd

crackthesecurity | 08:57 | | | Be the first to comment!

Step 1

Open your command promt

Step 2 : To Hide

Now type attrib +s +h Path\Folder_Name
Eg : attrib +s +h h:\CTS

Step 3 : To UnHide

Now type attrib -s -h Path\Folder_Name
Eg : attrib -s -h h:\CTS
Note you can also view the hidden folder by

Click on YES and you can now see your hidden folder

You can also hide any files with their extension

Eg : attrib +s +h h:\CTS\a.jpg

How to Shutdown, Restart or Log Off in Windows 8

crackthesecurity | 00:45 | | Be the first to comment!

' This script will create shortcuts in the Start Menu
' Written by Amit Agarwal - 06/03/2012
' Web:
' Version: 0.1
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strStartMenu = WshShell.SpecialFolders("StartMenu")
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "\Shutdown.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%\System32\shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-s -t 0"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%\System32\shell32.dll,27"
oShellLink.Description = "Shutdown Computer (Power Off)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%\System32\"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "\Log Off.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%\System32\shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-l"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%\System32\shell32.dll,44"
oShellLink.Description = "Log Off (Switch User)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%\System32\"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "\Restart.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%\System32\shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-r -t 0"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%\System32\shell32.dll,176"
oShellLink.Description = "Restart Computer (Reboot)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%\System32\"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
Wscript.Echo "Created Shutdown, Restart and Log Off buttons in your Programs Menu. You can now pin them to the Start Screen of your Windows 8 computer."
Note Now copy the above code in notepad & save it as filename.vbs 
Here is the video demo by and the tutorials is also Written by Mr.Amit Agarwal