Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Anonymous Claims Multiple Government Sites Downed

crackthesecurity | 05:56 | |

CIA, MI6, Department of Justice all get fired upon


Anonymous has struck against a range of UK and US government targets.

Announcing the attacks on its Anonymous Operations Twitter account, the hacktivist collective claimed responsibility for the DDoS downing of the MI6 site in the UK, and CIA along with Department of Justice sites over in the US.

Yesterday, the organisation tweeted: "Multiple tango down: http://www.CIA.gov -Up, http://www.Mi6.gov.uk -Down, http://www.DOJ.gov -Down, http://www.Justice.gov -Down #Anonymous."

Although Anonymous further noted: "http://mi6.gov.uk is down but www. is up."

As for the CIA attack, another Anon member, a Brazilian activist by the name of Havittaja, tweeted yesterday that http://cia.gov suffered "1 hour and 30 minutes of DOWN and Unstable".

An attack also apparently hit NASA, as yet another tweet from AnonOps stated: "All NASA subdomains are down as part of #OpTrialAtHome, Free Gary!!!!"

This reference was aimed at Gary McKinnon, and his extradition plight. This was quite the flurry of activity, by all accounts. However, the past weekend was less successful for the group, with a reported failure in an attempt to bring down the GCHQ site.

However, another assault on GCHQ - which will be further increasing its surveillance powers when new government legislation comes in - is set for this weekend.

The group tweeted: "#OpTrialAtHome: DDoS attack planned by #Anonymous on http://www.gchq.gov.uk | Date: 21st April 2012, 8PM BST."

Anonymous has previously promised it will carry out attacks on government sites every single weekend.

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