Saturday, 21 April 2012

How to Write Protect a USB

crackthesecurity | 00:05 | |

If you want to write protect your USB drive, you can do it with the given registry trick or batch script. Protecting USB drive depends on Registry, and you can do it manually or by the script. Read below. Mannual way is also given along with batch script


1- Start > Run > type “regedit” to open regisry editor
2- Navigate to this: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
3- Create a new key with the name “StorageDevicePolicies”
4- On the right side, Create a new “DWORD Value” with thr name “WriteProtect” and give it “1" as Data
5- Then put the USB Flash Drive.
6- Try to Delete a file Or Copy something to it, You will not be able to do that.
7- To disable this feature, just change the data from 1 To 0

Script :

Open Notepad & Type the below script & save as name.bat

@echo off
echo. & echo. & echo.
echo  USB Write Protect program
echo ________________________________
echo. & echo.
echo     1. Lock the USB Flash Drive
echo     2. UnLock the USB Flash Drive
echo     3. Exit
set/p "ch= [>] Enter: "
if %ch%==1 goto lock
if %ch%==2 goto unlock
if %ch%==3 goto exit
goto main
echo. & echo. & echo.
echo [+] Attention:
echo     Make sure that there is no USB Flash Drives inserted.
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
reg add HKLMsystemcurrentcontrolsetcontrolStorageDevicePolicies /t reg_dword /v writeprotect /d 1 /f
pause > nul
goto main
echo. & echo. & echo.
echo. & echo. & echo.
echo [+] Attention:
echo     This operation doesn't require to Unplug the USB Flash Frive,
echo     so Continue without FEAR.
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
reg add HKLMsystemcurrentcontrolsetcontrolStorageDevicePolicies /t reg_dword /v writeprotect /d 0 /f
pause > nul
goto main

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